
Selasa, 21 Februari 2012

there's no one like you~

There’s no one like you, even if I look around it’s just like that
Where else to look for? A person good like you, a person good like you, a heart good like you,
a gift good like you

How lucky, the person who will try hard to protect you is just me
Where else to look for? A guy happy like me, a guy happy like me,
a guy who laughs with the greatest happiness like me

In cold times when your two warm hands turn cold,
in hurt times when your heart which used to be strong turns soft

To silently take your hands, to silently hold you, I wish to cheer you up just by those little things
It’s fine even if you don’t know this heart of mine, which always wants to do more for you

My heart, say it out loud, my free soul
The days left are even more than the time when I came love you with a heart which
always felt like the first time

There’s no one like you, even if I look around it’s just like that
Where else to look for? A person good like you, a person good like you, a heart good like you,
a gift good like you

How lucky, the person who will try hard to protect you is just me
Where else to look for? A guy happy like me, a guy happy like me,
a guy who laughs with the greatest happiness like me

When my greedy heart gradually looks to other directions,
when my greeds grow more than my mind can handle

To understand, to tell me clearly after all those excuses “I’m here”, only that one thing
I’m always thankful. Will I ever act that well just like you

My heart, say it out loud, my free soul
The days left are even more than the time when I came love you with a heart which
always felt like the first time

There’s no one like you, even if I look around it’s just like that
Where else to look for? A person good like you, a person good like you, a heart good like you,
a gift good like you

How lucky, the person who will try hard to protect you is just me
Where else to look for? A girl happy like me, a girl happy like me,
a girl who laughs with the greatest happiness like me

You know what, even though I’m a little, just a little bit, shy,
you don’t know it but you’re burning like the sun, please understand my heart

Even though those girls appearing on TV shows are sparkling on stage,
I always look at you (I’m crazy crazy Baby)
Hearing you tell me “I love you”, I have everything in this world You & I,
You’re so fine, Is there even anyone like you?

I love you Oh, please know it, that to me there’s only you, that I foolishly see you as my everything

We came on the same road, we are just like each other, how surprising, how thankful, it’s just love
There’s no one like you, even if I look around it’s just like that

Where else to look for? A person good like you, a person good like you, a heart good like you,
a gift good like you
How lucky, the person who will try hard to protect you is just me

Where else to look for? A girl happy like me, a girl happy like me,
a girl who laughs with the greatest happiness like me
There’s no one like you

haaahaaa... guess it for who? xixixi...

Kamis, 02 Februari 2012

Kebaya vs Hanbok^^

Pakaian tradisional yang aku suka itu sih kebaya... walaupun agak ribet di roknya yang rata-rata kebaya roknya sempit. Aku benci banget kalo ada sesuatu yang menghalangi jalanku! ngeribetin! Tapi waktu wisuda Farmasi aku desain sendiri looo... kebayanya! dengan Kerah tertutup sampe leher model Kerah shanghai gitu kata orang-orang.... hehehe.... senganja lengan atas aku buat press... tapi lengan bawah aku buat longgar. terus untuk roknya aku sengaja juga ga buat sempit ngepress kayak biasanya rok untuk kebaya, tapi aku buat megar kayak model baju tradisional salah satu negara. yups! Hanbok! model roknya megar kayak gitu! hihi... agak bingung ya? sayang aku ga punya fotonya -___-

tapi ini ada salah satu foto aku pake kebaya... bukan aku yang desain sih! tapi salah satu kebaya favoritku!

nah ngomongin soal kebaya wisuda aku.... yang agak sedikit nyeleneh itu... hahaha...
aku juga pernah nyobain pake salah satu pakaian tradisional asal negri ginseng aka Korea Selatan! rite! Hanbok! makenya agak ribet siiih pas pertama kali aja pake pita or Otgoreum-nya salah -___- namanya juga pertama kali....

tapi setelah mendapat sedikit bantuan a
khirnya bener juga!

aku seneng pake Hanbok ya itu lebarrr... bebas melangkah! dan badanku keliatan gede n berisi hahaha.... x__x"

kalo pake kebaya badanku keliatan lebih berbentuk dan sexy! *uhuk* hehehehe...
okay bahasan mengenai pakaian tradisionalnya sampe di sini dulu ^^
kalo mau coba pake kebaya mending kalian desain sendiri sesuai dengan karakter kalian masing2... coz kalo ga nyaman pake-nya diliatnya juga ga bagus ama orang2 sekitar... ^^

kalo mau pake hanbok kalian bisa dateng langsung ke Korean Cultural Center di Equity Tower lantai 17 every friday and it's free! ^^
selamat mencoba!!!